ASP.NET Core: Using Stored Procedures with ADO.NET

Although we like Entity Framework Core, there are occasions when the appropriate tool to work with the logic of data access in our application is ADO.NET. Given this, it is important that we know how to handle the stored procedures.

Stored procedures allow us to encapsulate operations that we will perform in a database. Whether they are writings, deletions, complex operations that involve several tables, and even simple readings; stored procedures allow us to place this logic in an easily accessible place for our applications.

In this post we will see how to work with stored procedures in the context of ASP.NET Core. The stored procedures will be created in SQL Server.

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We will start by creating the application in ASP.NET Core 2.2. We’ll choose the API template, although what we will learn in this entry also applies to Web Application (Razor Pages) and MVC.

When we create our project, a controller called ValuesController is created for us. We will work with this controller. Through this controller is that we will interact with our database using ADO.NET.

The idea is that we will have a table in our database, and we want to be able to read and insert data in that table.

We will start by creating a model which will represent the information of said table. We’re going to create a class called Value in a folder called Models:

public class Value
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Value1 { get; set; }
public string Value2 { get; set; }

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We are going to create a class in which we will place the data access logic with our database. The name of the class will be ValuesRepository.

public class ValuesRepository
public Task<List<Value>> GetAll()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<Value> GetById(int Id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task Insert(Value value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task DeleteById(int Id)
throw new NotImplementedException();

As we can see, our class has methods to obtain all the values, obtain a value from its Id, insert new values, and delete a value from its Id. In addition, we are returning Tasks in each function, this because we will use asynchronous programming to communicate with the database.

We will use dependency injection to inject this class into the ValuesController controller. Let’s head to the startup class, to the ConfigureServices method, and place the following line:


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We are not using an interface just to keep the tutorial focused on what interests us.

Let’s now work with our ValuesController class:

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
private readonly ValuesRepository _repository;
public ValuesController(ValuesRepository repository)
_repository = repository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(repository));
// GET api/values
public async Task<List<Value>> Get()
return await _repository.GetAll();
// GET api/values/5
public async Task<ActionResult<Value>> Get(int id)
var response = await _repository.GetById(id);
if (response == null) { return NotFound(); }
return response;
// POST api/values
public async Task Post([FromBody] Value value)
await _repository.Insert(value);
// DELETE api/values/5
public async Task Delete(int id)
await _repository.DeleteById(id);

We see that each action uses the repository sent by the constructor. Again, we are keeping the code simple and focused on purpose. In production code you may want to place some try-catch, and validations.

If we execute our project and go to the endpoint /api/values, we will see that we get a NotImplementedException error, this is because we have not implemented the code of our ValuesRepository class. Before that, we need a database with which to work.

SQL Server

We will create a database with a table with which we will work (If you already have your database with your stored procedures you can skip this part of the tutorial).

Here I put the creation script of the database, the table and the stored procedures: :

You just have to run the previous script in your MSSQL to have a database with what is necessary to work on this tutorial.

Then, we need the connection string of this database in our application. We can place it in our appsettings.json in the following way:

"connectionStrings": {
"defaultConnection": "CONNECTIONSTRING"

Where it says CONNECTIONSRING you must place your connection string.

Then, back in our ASP.NET Core application, we must inject IConfiguration into ValuesRepository to access this connection string:

public class ValuesRepository
private readonly string _connectionString;
public ValuesRepository(IConfiguration configuration)
_connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("defaultConnection");


Now with the database and the architecture of our application, we only need to use ADO.NET to communicate with our database.

Stored procedure to read data

We will start by implementing the GetAll method of the ValuesRepository class to obtain all the records in the Values table of our database:

public async Task<List<Value>> GetAll()
using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetAllValues", sql))
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
var response = new List<Value>();
await sql.OpenAsync();
using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
return response;
private Value MapToValue(SqlDataReader reader)
return new Value()
Id = (int)reader["Id"],
Value1 = (int)reader["Value1"],
Value2 = reader["Value2"].ToString()

Here we can see that what we do is open a connection by passing the connection string to the SqlConnection class. Then, we instantiate a SqlCommand passing as arguments the name of the stored procedure and the connection.

Below we use ExecuteReaderAsync to execute the stored procedure and read the information it brings us. This information is in the reader variable. Then, what I did was to create a MapToValue function which takes the reader and extracts the values from the columns of the reader, places the values in a new Value object, and returns that object.

In the end, we return a list of Values.

Stored procedure for reading data passing a parameter

Let’s now implement the GetById function:

public async Task<Value> GetById(int Id)
using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetValueById", sql))
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Id", Id));
Value response = null;
await sql.OpenAsync();
using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
response = MapToValue(reader);
return response;

As we can see, the only difference between this code and the previous one,is the use of SqlParamater:

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(“@Id”, Id));

We use this to send parameters to the stored procedure.

Inserting registries with stored procedures

We are now going to implement our Insert function which is used to insert a new value in the database:

public async Task Insert(Value value)
using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("InsertValue", sql))
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@value1", value.Value1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@value2", value.Value2));
await sql.OpenAsync();
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

Here we do not use ExecuteDataReader because we do not intend to read data, we want to perform an operation. That’s why we use ExecuteNonQueryAsync. Notice also that we passed two parameters to the stored procedure, Value1 and Value2.

Finally, we can also implement the DeleteById function:

public async Task DeleteById(int Id)
using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("DeleteValue", sql))
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Id", Id));
await sql.OpenAsync();
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

We see that this code is quite similar to the Insert function.


We can use stored procedures in ASP.NET Core in a very direct way. This is useful when for some reason we can not or do not want to use Entity Framework Core.

We saw that we can use ExecuteReaderAsync to read data from a query, and ExecuteNonQueryAsync to execute a stored procedure that does not return a result set.



  1. Hello Gavilan,

    How do you return the newly created ID from the create method in the repo so the controller create action can access it?




    • I just checked it out.

      Nice one Felipe. Nicely implemented. What about the call in the controller method to show how this returned Id is handled or passed from repo to the controller’s Create Action… Let’s say I need to use this Id to implement another action while implementing The Create action in the controller?



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